Zeco Holdings Limited (ZECO.zw)
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Zeco Holdings Limited (ZECO.zw)
Box 2301, Harare
Zeco Holdings Limited (ZECO.zw)
Zeco Holdings Limited builds rail wagons and locomotives through its subsidiaries for utilities in Zambia, Tanzania, Mozambique, Ethiopia and Kenya. Formerly known as Resco, the company also manufactures roller shutters, electronic garage doors, steel windows and doorframes, burglar bars, filing cabinets and agricultural implements for the Zimbabwe building and construction sector and export to countries in sub-Saharan Africa. In 2008, the company acquired all the assets held by Corbett Holdings (Private) Limited and its operating subsidiaries; Electrical and Mechanical Suppliers and Importers (Private) Limited, Halgor Estate (Private) Limited, FaiT Lux (Private) Limited and Zimplastics (Private) Limited.
Zeco Holdings Limited is listed on the Zimbabwe Stock Exchange